Monday Mindset: Create your own rhythm

On this week of our Monday Mindset series, we will focus on creating your own rhythm.

Today, ask yourself “what chronotype am I?”. Are you a morning type, evening type or something in between? Finding your own chronotype will help you in creating an effective daily rhythm.

Everyone’s day should have 3 phases: a Peak, a Valley, and a Rebound. Consider when these phases occur alongside your own chronotype and how best to seize your day.

Are you an early bird?  If so, your day is likely to benefit from being mapped out as: Peak, Valley, Rebound.

Are you a night owl? If so, your day is likely to benefit from being mapped out as: Rebound, Valley, Peak.

Top tip:
Identify what matters to you, and plan your schedule to allow it to happen

Once you have figured out your chronotype and the different phases of your day, share it with your colleagues or loved-ones so that they will know when it likely is your time of productivity, menial tasks and rest.

Interested to learn more?

Read the article Find Your Perfect Daily Rhythm to Boost Your Performance by Performance Scientist James Hewitt

Need a coach to help you set a rhythm?

Sign up to the Coach in Your Pocket service offered to all KFH employees. You will get access to Hintsa’s Better Life app and a dedicated Performance Coach who will guide you on your journey towards new healthy habits.

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