Monday Mindset: Wind down & relax

This week on our Monday Mindset series, we will focus on finding ways to wind down and relax.

Take the time to switch off from work to be present with family or friends. Think of activities and choices that transition you from work to a relaxed mode. Winding down before bedtime is essential to re-charge, so assess your routine an hour or two before bed and consider what you can do to in order to get to be relaxed and ready for a good night’s sleep.

How to wind down after work? Take a gentle walk. Practise some yoga or do simple breathing exercises. Make sure to have no blue light or screens 30 minutes before bed. All of these reduce the stressors.

Top tip:
Leave your phone / laptop / tablet outside of the bedroom.

Interest to learn more?

Read an article Energy Banking – Are Your Investments Providing Good Returns? by Senior Performance Coach Matti Kontsas

Want to feel more energetic at work and at home?

Sign up to the Coach in Your Pocket service offered to all KFH employees. You will get access to Hintsa’s Better Life app and a dedicated Performance Coach who will guide you on your journey towards new healthy habits.

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